A downloadable game


When I was in college, I have initially started doing a lot of art and working towards becoming a concept artist in the games industry. I have changed my college after the first year and then start learning design and programming. Making games in Unity!

The first module was a first person shooter, and it was up to me to choose what to work on. I have at the time been playing a lot of cs:go and decided to create something similar. My focus was on design and creating levels that would suit the 5v5 PvP gameplay.

After creating the blockout for the level, I have tried learning some 3D modelling and made some of the assets visible in the game, like the boxes or wooden pallets, and used some assets I found online. I also learned how to do animations in Unity and done so for the enemy walk cycle, the classic death animation of falling down like a slice of bread, and the weapon firing and the reload, which for the reload actually turned out not as bad as the rest.

This was also my first time doing C# programming, and I have implemented the movement, shooting and the AI (very basic AI) all by myself, with obviously a lot of help from online sources and YouTube tutorials.

In conclusion, I have learned a lot with this and looking back at it I am really proud of the outcome considering that it was my first time ever making a game. It turned to be a 'nice' bad game, something that is bad, but good enough for what it is.

What I've learned

  • Unity Engine
  • Animations (In Unity)
  • 3D Modelling (In 3Ds Max)
  • C# Programming

There is no downloadable for this as I no longer posses the files for this project. I'm left with some screenshots and video footage.

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