🔘 This is a 2024 Kenny Jam submission 🔘

The theme for this jam was 'Connected'

With our game we have done a concept of connecting the people with the dead. Your task as the graveyard keeper is to listen to the dead as you take them to their graves, and then talking with people that come over to hear out who they came here for. Your job is to bring the dead back and connect them with the people that want to see them.

During night time, your objective is to catch all ghosts that get out from the crypts. Every night they will pop out from the crypt and start roaming around the map.

Upon catching the ghosts, you need to take them to any available graves on the map and seal them in. On your way, the ghosts will tell you about themselves, and your task is then to remember what was said.

The game focuses on testing your memory and ability to work with multiple sets of information in a short period of time. Whilst you do that, there is an additional challenge of having to keep your customers alive.

Zombies will be digging their way out of the ground to freely walk around the map. When a person comes in, zombies will sense them and start making their way towards them until reaching and scaring away each.

All you have to do is send their souls back to the crypts by approaching them and interacting with them, and you will avoid losing customers. It's a simple task, but if not taken care of regularly they will reach the customer in no time.

Once you are done with your night endeavours, you can approach the alter next to the docks to get the sun to rise. 

People will start coming in asking for the dead, and they will provide you with information about them which you should connect to what the ghosts told you. Based off what you have been told, you need to find where you positioned that specific ghost on the map and get them.

The sooner you get them, you will be rewarded with more gold, and if you fail to do so, and either get the wrong ghost or take too long, you will get a small punishment...

You will lose ability to use certain graves and earn less money, and you need it all for the upkeep of your graveyard which you pay for each night. And the more graves, the more money you need.

The game has progression with the ability to earn money and spend it to get more graves as well as unlocking gates to expand on the map and amount of ghosts you can work with.

You have to keep guessing the right combinations of information between the ghost and customer, otherwise you will lose money and possibly the progress you made with chance to lose graves if you cannot afford the upkeep.

Assets Used

Because it was a Kenny Jam, the requirement was to only use his Kenney assets and no other existing assets. And so here is what our game consists of:

  • Kenney Graveyard Kit
  • Kenney Mini Characters
  • Kenney Mini Dungeon
  • Kenney Space Kit
  • Kenney Survival Kit
  • Kenney UI Pack
  • Kenney Board Game Icons
  • Kenney Cursor Pack
  • Kenney Emotes Pack
  • Kenney Input Prompts
  • Kenney Pattern Pack
  • Kenney Particle Pack

Some Thoughts / Reflection

We did not submit the game on time... 

We have not given ourselves enough time to finish, test and upload the game. We had the same issue with last game jam we did, being the GMTK 2023 Game Jam to which we also failed to submit on time. We have underestimated how much there is still left to work on as the clock was ticking, and ended up rushing in the end which failed anyway with 30min of load time for the game build.

We did not give ourselves the time to test the game to see if it actually works in that final version and build itself, but also have forgotten how long it takes to build. We were around 20min late with it so not too far off but even a minute late is too late...

If you want to check out the original version that was meant to get uploaded as the game jam submission, click the button below.

The Team

Project undertaken by two individuals. Somewhat evenly split workload and done work on all aspects of the game whenever it was necessary.

Updated 20 days ago
Authors4ydam, Trojanowski111
Tags3D, Casual

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